August 1, 2020

It has been a busy year for our team. Yesterday, our design process came to a culmination as a team of engineers from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) judged our efforts. And not without results. With our innovative design, containing highlights such as a tilt-rotor mechanism, a 3D-printed modular frame and combined vertical stabilizers and landing gear, we won our very first prize as a team.

We are happy to announce that we won the innovation award. Other than that, we came 3rd for the Media & Engagement award and 8th for the design award, out of 38 entries.

In total 33 university teams from 10 different countries competed and we were one of the six prize winners. Congratulations to the other winners: ANTSFLYMechE and Brunel UAS Challenge. 👏

We couldn’t have gotten this far without our partners, the technical support and insights from Hogeschool Saxion, Clever software of Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente, the knowledge and facilities of Space53 and the support from University of Twente truly helped us push our design to the next level

We want to thank the IMechE UAS Challenge for their great work in organising this (online) event. We will see you again next year!

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