Minister of Climate and Energy Rob Jetten visits DroneTeam Twente
June 13, 2022
Last monday, Dutch minister of Climate and Energy Rob Jetten has visited DroneTeam Twente as part of his visit of the Future Factory in Enschede.
During his visit, we were able to present to him our ideas and speak with him about our role in the drone industry as a student team working towards a more equal and sustainable future.

DroneTeam Twente Design Reveal 2022
April 28, 2022
We will host our first Design Reveal of our drone in the Concordia Theater on May 11th 20:00, and you are welcome to join. During the show we will talk about our challenges and successes in the past year, and reveal our new drone including the name. Afterwards there will be time for networking and questions with a drink. You can join the event on this page. See you there!

Interview: DroneTeam Twente’s VTOL takes shape
January 27, 2022 | imeche.org
Chris from the UAS Challenge team caught up with the lead members of DroneTeam Twente via MS Teams to hear more about their team, their UAS and what they are preparing for in 2022.

Interview technisch manager: “DroneTeam Twente wil wereld verbeteren door middel van drones”
October 1, 2021 | Author: Wiebe de Jager
Wiebe de Jager van Dronewatch spreekt met de nieuwe technisch manager van DroneTeam Twente, Phillippe Damoiseaux, over de ontwikkeling van drones. Het interview is ook te vinden op Dronewatch
Wat is DroneTeam Twente?
“DroneTeam Twente is het eerste en enige competitieve studenten droneteam van Nederland.”
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