Freelancers interested in
Freelancers interested in
Join the DroneTeam and help achieve our mission
Join the DroneTeam and help achieve our mission
Are you interested in pursuing drone projects?

What are DroneTeam freelancers?
“DroneTeam-Freelancers” are students who would like to be involved with the DroneTeam without officially being a member of the team (yet).
What are the benefits?
You have the opportunity to work together with students in a highly motivated student team, and if your interest in the DroneTeam lingers, being a DroneTeam-Freelancer could help you seamlessly transition into joining as a member next year! As a freelancer you also have access to our workshop, office and lots of interesting drones!
What will I learn?
Depending on your abilities, we will develop an assignment/mini-project for you, designed to give you the space to expand your interests and knowledge in a field you feel passionate about, while proactively contributing to the DroneTeam. This assignment will be structured in a way that allows you to work on it on your own time, but should be submitted before the given deadline.
How do I sign up?
You can sign up with the button below. Upon signing up as a DroneTeam-Freelancer, we add your name to an interest list. Then, once we have an opportunity, based on your expertise and interests, we will contact you with an assignment you can be involved with!
Example project
Gyroscopic steering for improved airship maneuverability
Due to their extreme fuel efficiency and high cargo capacity, airships are a promising technology for the future of cargo shipping. However, conventional airships face severe challenges regarding maneuverability at low speeds. This makes it very challenging to integrate the required infrastructure in our current systems. To tackle this problem, we investigated the potential of gyroscopic steering to improve airship maneuverability

We designed, built and tested several prototypes of such steering systems and achieved promising torque generation. Therefore, we set out to build a fully functional scale model which could be integrated into a model zeppelin. Before testing the model in flight however, we performed several tests on ground. To do so, we utilized an omnidirectional wheel base, which allowed free motion in all directions. Based on those tests, we are confident that the proposed system can provide sufficient torque for steering. However, to produce torque in the exact right amount and direction, complex combinations of accelerations and movements are required in the gyroscopic system. Hence, before testing the system in flight, a software needs to produce those complex controls from a simplified right-left steering input.